MARS 120
COUGAR MARS 120戰神電競桌符合人體工學設計與寬敞的桌面空間設計,搭配炫麗奪目的雙翼ARGB戰鬥燈效,為您創造熱血沸騰的電競氛圍,並結合獨一無二的原創設計元素,實現您夢想中的戰鬥舞台!
MARS 120的競技桌面寬度達120公分,並採用碳纖維紋理耐刮設計,充裕的空間可放置電競螢幕、鍵盤、滑鼠、大型鼠墊與其它電競裝備,並搭配符合人體工學設計的曲線弧形桌面邊緣,提供您最頂極舒適的遊戲體驗。
MARS 120右側設置的控制台,讓您如司令官輕鬆控制ARGB燈光並連結電腦USB極速傳輸接口與音源/麥克風接口,使其成為所有遊戲設備的連接中心,帶給您絕佳方便的頂級享受。
為了打造更加身歷其境的戰鬥氛圍,MARS 120擁有多種ARGB炫麗燈效,更直接相容主機板的5V-ARGB接頭,支援華碩AURA Sync、技嘉RGB Fusion、微星Mystic Light Sync及華擎Polychrome Sync等全系統RGB燈效同步軟體,完美徹底實現裝備燈光同步!
MARS 120使用高強度鋼架焊接桌腳,可承重高達 150 公斤,給您最絕對可靠的穩定性,助您以最舒適的環境,發揮最強戰鬥力。
ARGB SYNC with Motherboard Lighting Software
COUGAR MARS 120 gaming desk supports ASUS AURA SYNC, GIGABYTE RGB Fusion, MSI Mystic Light Sync and ASRock Polychrome software. Players can control the lighting mode with the motherboard application software to achieve full lighting synchronization without using additional program.For more information, please check the official websites of ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI and ASRock.
獎項 & 評論
"The Mars 120 is a slightly smaller version of the original Cougar Mars Gaming Desk. With the Mars 120 desk you can expect the same great functionality and great RGB. All gamers and casual users alike, will appreciate everything this desk offers..."
"The colors are very vivid and shine nicely against the carbon fiber texture! The built-in control switch is simple, but provides a lot of options for those that can't or don't want to use their motherboards for RGB control. The white color is very cool-white, but a nice clean white versus the purplish white that some RGB LEDs produce when trying to simulate white… The desk has plenty of room for large mouse pads, and is very welcoming to sit at with the large beveled leading edge. The Cougar Mars 120 is large enough to fit large UltraWide screens easily…"