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Samsung  Odyssey OLED G9



[送32" 4K UHD顯示器]【量子矩陣技術】 Samsung 三星 Odyssey OLED G9 顯示器 (49吋 / Dual QHD [5120 x 1440] / 0.03ms QD-OLED / 240Hz / Curved / DisplayHDR TrueBlack 400 / G-Sync Compatible + FreeSync Premium Pro)
32:9 49" Dual QHD 沉浸式體驗
240Hz刷新率及 0.03ms 反應時間

限時優惠(送完即止,需自行到官網換領):購買此型號G9 OLED 顯示器送Samsung 32" ViewFinity S7 UHD 顯示器 (LS32D706EACXXK)

保養期: 3年上門保養




HK$ 14,980

HK$ 16,599

對產品有疑問? 歡迎與客服 即時對話


限時優惠(送完即止):購買此型號G9 OLED 顯示器送Samsung 32" ViewFinity S7 UHD 顯示器 (LS32D706EACXXK)

49" Odyssey OLED G9 曲面電競顯示器 (240Hz)



The Odyssey monitor, with its name "G9" curved on the floor, shows a spaceship flying away from a planet into space. A badge, located at the left corner, shows the monitor is an honoree at the 2023 CES Innovation Awards.


Two screens along with the Samsung Neo Quantum Processor Pro square chip label are shown, all floating and angled to the right. The chip is on the top left with a glowing blue and purple light surrounding it. The closest screen on the bottom right shows a space scene with a circular spaceship with a star-shaped interior floating in front of a planet and protruding off the screen slightly. 



採用 Neo 量子處理器 Pro 及 OLED 顯示屏讓視覺效果大幅提升,帶來更明亮的白色、更深邃的黑色和近乎無限的色彩對比度。

The monitor shows a black hole in space on the screen. 



32:9 的 49" 弧形屏幕環繞四周,讓你沉浸在前所未有的遊戲世界中。

An Odyssey monitor is shown standing on a surface with a spaceship flying away from a nighttime city scene, through a cave, and off the screen. The text around the monitor communicates the specs: “0.03ms fast response time, 240Hz refresh rate, and AMD FreeSync Premium Pro”. 



240Hz 屏幕帶來讓人吃驚的 0.03 毫秒反應時間,在快如閃電的屏幕上,你可以更迅速地因應對手的一舉一動而做出反應。



Neo 量子處理器 Pro 及 OLED 顯示屏

透過 Neo 量子處理器 Pro,OLED 面板上的每一幀都會對畫面立即進行分析和優化,以呈現出最高畫質。顏色、陰影和對比度一體性更強,時刻為你帶來明亮而絢麗的畫面,為你帶來與眾不同的視覺體驗。

Samsung Neo Quantum Processor Pro is shown with the square chip label in the middle. And it transitions to show a nighttime scene in the forest on the screen, zooming out on a misty jungle surrounded by trees. The screen is angled to the left.

Samsung Neo Quantum Processor Pro is shown with the square chip label in the middle. And it transitions to show a nighttime scene in the forest on the screen, zooming out on a misty jungle surrounded by trees. The screen is angled to the left.


49" Dual QHD

超廣闊顯示屏讓你沉浸在宏大的遊戲世界中。一個闊度猶如兩個 QHD 高清顯示屏,帶來最廣闊的視覺空間,呈現所有清晰的畫面細節。1800R的曲率顯示屏將逼真的影像環繞在你的周圍,讓你沉浸融入到角色中。


A gamer plays Black Desert on the Odyssey monitor. On the screen, a character uses their abilities in front of a stone building, surrounded by trees and foliage.



支援 DisplayHDR True Black 400



A split screen shows the same spaceship flying away from a planet, a moon and a star. On the left, text reads “Samsung Conventional Monitor” and on the right, “Odyssey OLED G9.” Text on the right side reads “VESA Certified Display HDR True Black 400.” The right side shows deeper blacks and brighter whites with details.


240Hz 刷新率及0.03ms 反應時間

閃避、反擊和進攻的響應速度比三星其他產品更快。OLED 技術提供近乎即時的靈敏的響應速度,反應時間為 0.03ms。HDMI 2.1 和 DisplayPort 連接讓你可在對戰中以 240Hz 的刷新率取得優勢。當你面對競爭對手的挑戰時,電光火石間的對決帶來勝利。


On the monitor screen, cars race out of a monitor, away from a futuristic city. A connection cable labeled “micro HDMI 2.1” is shown below the monitor screen.


AMD FreeSync Premium Pro

激烈的動作畫面,變得流暢無縫。透過 AMD FreeSync Premium Pro,可穩定而無間頓地投射出快速動作和複雜的遊戲場景,令你遊戲時的優勢大為提升。

 A space docking station is shown in front of a planet on two screens. The spacecraft on the right screen is blurred with the text “FreeSync OFF” underneath, and the left is sharp and clear with the text “AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON” underneath.A space docking station is shown in front of a planet on two screens. The spacecraft on the right screen is blurred with the text “FreeSync OFF” underneath, and the left is sharp and clear with the text “AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON” underneath.



Game Bar

現在,你可即時查看 FPS 或 HDR 等最重要設定的狀態。無需離開遊戲屏幕即可修改屏幕比例、放大小地圖或更改遊戲畫面模式。

* 僅當遊戲或 PC 支持超廣闊解像度時,才能更改 Game Bar 的屏幕比例。


A screen shows the Game Bar options while PUBG Battlegrounds game is played. Game Bar options shown at the bottom of the screen include "Game Picture Mode: Standard," "Screen Ratio: 16:9," "Minimap Zoom: Off," "Game Motion Plus: Off," "Game Mode Setting," "Virtual Aim Point: Off,” “Sound Output” and “Help Guide.”


Smart TV 體驗

從長時間的遊戲中稍作小休,只需 Wi-Fi 連接即可追看近期必看的串流節目。

* 應用程式可能因國家/地區而異,可能需要單獨訂閱。** 需要互聯網連接且不包括電視調諧器。*** 某些流媒體平台 ,例如 Apple TV+ 和 BBC,可能不支援 32:9和21:9 寬高比。


A gamer leans back in their chair in front of the monitor, reviewing Smart Hub home display with video app options such as Netflix and Amazon Prime.





The Odyssey monitor is shown with external speakers on both sides. A slider moves back and forth over the monitor, removing the external speakers. Rings of sound emit from the monitor itself once the speakers are gone.


IoT Hub 和語音助手

顯示屏帶領你邁向勝利。透過SmartThings 去調暗燈光、設置恆溫器和拉下百葉窗,以營造出良好的遊戲環境,你可透過 Bixby 去進行語音控制。

* 可用技術、功能和特性可能因國家、服務供應商、網絡環境或產品而有所不同,如有更改,恕不另行通知。 * 需要 Wi-Fi、藍牙或其他無線網絡連接以及註冊到 SmartThings 應用程式的裝置。 * 需要單獨的 SmartThings 加密狗才能連接到 Zigbee 裝置。 (不支持連接到 Z-Wave 裝置) * 連接的裝置需另行購買。如需完整兼容裝置列表,請查看 https://www.smartthings.com/products。* 香港地區暫不支援Amazon Alexa語音服務。


A screen shows the SmartThings app with panels for connected IoT devices around the home. As a message "turn on the light" comes out from the microphone icon, the panel for Light is highlighted. Around the screen, there's "Bixby" and "Alexa built-in" icon are located.


The curved Odyssey monitor is shown with a tablet, keyboard, X-Box controller, and laptop. Text explains the input connection options: HDMI 2.1, DP, and USB Hub with each icon on the side.



多種輸入選項,讓你自由連接。HDMI 2.1、DisplayPort 和 USB Hub 讓你可連接到常用的設備,使遊戲更為流暢。

*USB Hub 只支持數據傳輸。

An Odyssey monitor is shown alongside a laptop and a PC and the laptop's cable is running to the monitor, with "PC 1 signal" on the left upper side of the screen. But as the PC turns on, connecting to the monitor, it changes the signal to "PC 2 signal".


An Odyssey monitor is shown alongside a laptop and a PC and the laptop's cable is running to the monitor, with "PC 1 signal" on the left upper side of the screen. But as the PC turns on, connecting to the monitor, it changes the signal to "PC 2 signal".



透過自動信號源切換+ 功能,顯示屏會檢測連接的設備何時打開,並會立即切換到新的信號源。讓你可更快地開始遊戲操作,而無需切換多個輸入源。




ftd16_interactive multi feature-product detail-indicator


ftd16_interactive multi feature-product detail-indicator


It zooms out from the silver stand of the monitor to a top view. Ambient lighting is shown on the back of the monitor, and a gleam runs across the top of the monitor.


It zooms out from the silver stand of the monitor to a top view. Ambient lighting is shown on the back of the monitor, and a gleam runs across the top of the monitor.



銳利的外型,提升你打機空間的格調。Odyssey OLED 無與倫比的設計採用高級時尚的金屬表面,最薄處僅 4.5 毫米,完美滿足你的時尚品味。

A closeup of the back of an Odyssey monitor is shown and a rainbow ring of lighting rotating clockwise.


CoreSync & 核心照明+

提升屏幕環境氣氛。透過 CoreSync 技術,遊戲的屏幕顏色會投射到現實世界中,使遊戲世界躍現在你身邊,讓你更為沉浸投入。全新的核心照明設計+,可為你的設定加添耀眼的色彩,即時令你所身處的環境氛圍一轉。

A front and back view of the Odyssey monitors are shown. Arrows indicate two adjustments that can be made: “Height adjustment” with up and down arrows, and “Tilt,” with a semicircle arrow.


