1.6吋液晶屏,解析度為400×400 1.6” LCD Screen with 400×400 resolution 支援 GIF、MP4、JPG 和 PNG 檔案 Supports GIF, MP4, JPG, and PNG files 適合作為機箱風扇,具有氣流和噪音優化功能 Suitable as a PC case with airflow and noise optimization 透過 L-Connect 3 附帶聯力獨家的流動動畫 Comes with Lian Li exclusive flow-through animations through L-Connect 3 FDB 軸承具有穩定性、耐用性和使用壽命 FDB bearing that provides stability, durability, and longevity 框架周圍的放大無邊鏡帶有更長的光導,形成統一的菊花鏈外觀 Enlarged infinity mirror around the frame with a longer light guide for a unified daisy-chained look 具有兩個光區,可提高照明的可自訂性 Features two light zones for increased lighting customizability UNIFAN 連鎖系統,方便線材管理 UNIFAN interlocking system for ease of cable management LED 照明和風扇速度控制器與 UNIFAN TL 共用 LED lighting and fan speed controller shared with UNIFAN TL 使用 L-Connect 3 進行完整的軟體控制 Complete software control with L-Connect 3