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Samsung  Odyssey G8 OLED



登記換領Galaxy Tab A9+
Samsung 三星 Odyssey G8 OLED 智能電競顯示器 (32吋 / UHD [3840 x 2160] / 240Hz / OLED / 0.03ms / HDR10 / Smart TV / FreeSync Premium Pro / 內置喇叭)
32" Odyssey G8 OLED 電競顯示器 (240Hz)

OLED 4K體驗更明亮 更細緻的世界
OLED 防反光技術
240Hz 刷新率及 0.03ms(GtG) 反應時間
Safeguard+ 技術防止燒烘

購買此型號 G8 OLED 顯示器送 Galaxy Tab A9+

保養期: 3年上門保養



HK$ 10,799

HK$ 11,680

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32" Odyssey G8 OLED 電競顯示器 (240Hz)


  • OLED 4K體驗更明亮 更細緻的世界
  • OLED 防反光技術
  • 240Hz 刷新率及 0.03ms(GtG) 反應時間
  • Safeguard+ 技術防止燒烘

【1月優惠】購買此型號 G8 OLED 顯示器送 Galaxy Tab A9+


  • A scene of glowing alien trees is seen. Behind the scene, lights are streaming from a pixelated version of the same scene, with the NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor in the pixels. Behind the pixelated version with the processor is another version of the scene that is dimmer than the first scene.

    A futuristic motorcycle is coming out of a screen. ON the screen, a refresh rate of .03ms is labeled. Below the screen, it reads "240Hz & 0.03ms".

    240Hz 刷新率
    240Hz 刷新率
    OLED 防反光
    OLED 防反光



The Odyssey OLED G8 is shown from the front and from the back. On the front, a warrior runs toward a castle being demolished by a dragon. The back of the monitor shows a multicolor ring of lights.


OLED 影像畫質



三星 OLED Safeguard+



0.03ms 反應時間(GtG)



240Hz 刷新率



4K 解像度的 OLED

4K OLED 內容栩栩如生。亮度高達 250 nits(典型值),色彩、色調和對比度範圍更廣,使絢麗影像更為鮮豔明亮。NQ8 AI 第三代處理器更可將較低解像度提升至接近 4K,因此,你可透過視頻應用程式,獲取更高畫質的影像體驗。

A scene of glowing alien trees is seen. Behind the scene, lights are streaming from a pixelated version of the same scene, with the NQ8 AI Gen3 Processor in the pixels. Behind the pixelated version with the processor is another version of the scene that is dimmer than the first scene.




The same scene of two men around a campfire from the game Crimson Desert is shown twice in comparison, with the game logo in the upper left corner. On the right, the scene is labeled "Odyssey G8," the blacks are much darker than the left scene labeled "Samsung Conventional Monitor." Text behind the monitor reads: “Pure black”.


OLED 防反光

防反光技術可顯著減少來自外部光源的反光,因此 OLED 屏幕可毫無干擾地呈現出完美的黑色和繽紛色彩體驗。與傳統的抗反射膜相比,屏幕的光澤度降低了 54%,你可看到完整的遊戲環境,讓敵人無處可藏。

A monitor sits on a desk in front of a window, with a mouse, keyboard, headphones and speakers on the desk. The monitor shows a scene from the game Black Desert, split in half. The right side of the monitor, labeled "OLED Glare Free" is more clear with less reflection than the left side, labeled, "Glossy Display."A badge in the bottom right corner shares glare-free specifications, reading "OLED Glare Free: Reflection Glare UGR <10. Discomfort Glare UGR<22. Disability Glare UGR <34. UL, VERIFIED, verify.UL.com, V647799"

* 基於內部測試結果。


The back of the Odyssey G8 is shown in a video, turning red to indicate heat. A x-ray view shows coils inside of the monitor evaporating and condensing a cooling liquid. The red turn to blue, indicating a cooler temperature.


世界上首次在顯示器中採用脈動熱管來防止燒烘。動態冷卻系統透過蒸發和冷卻劑來散熱,其散熱效果是舊式石墨片散熱方法的 5 倍,從而降低了核心部位的溫度。



240Hz 刷新率及0.03ms(GtG) 反應時間

閃避、反擊和進攻的反應速度比三星其他產品更快。OLED 技術提供近乎即時的靈敏的反應速度,反應時間為 0.03ms(GtG)。HDMI 2.1 和 DisplayPort 連接讓你可在對戰中,在 UHD 解像度下以 240Hz 的刷新率取得優勢。當你面對競爭對手的挑戰時,電光火石間的對決帶來勝利。

* 基於內部測試條件下測得的 GtG。結果可能因內容和顯示器設置而異。 * GtG(灰度到灰度)測量顯示器像素從一個灰度值變化到另一個灰度值所需的時間。 * 刷新率和反應時間可能因輸入源的性能而異。
A futuristic motorcycle is coming out of a screen. ON the screen, a refresh rate of .03ms is labeled. Below the screen, it reads "240Hz & 0.03ms".



AMD FreeSync Premium Pro

激烈的動作畫面,變得流暢無縫。AMD FreeSync Premium Pro 支援可變刷新率 (VRR),使 GPU 和面板保持同步,消除不流暢、屏幕延遲和圖像撕裂現像,可穩定而無間頓地投射出快速動作和複雜的遊戲場景,令你遊戲時的優勢大為提升。

* 屏幕圖像為模擬圖像,僅供參考。
A screen shows a man riding a futuristic motorcycle and it is divided into two sections. The left section, labled "FreeSync OFF" shows the screen stuttering. The right side, labled "AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON" is clear.




* 屏幕圖像為模擬圖像,僅供參考。 * 要使用動態黑色均衡器,必須在設置中激活遊戲模式。
The same scene of a woman holding a torch in an underground crypt is shown side by side. The left scene is labeled "Level 0" and is darker than the right scene, labeled "Level 5".


支援 AI 功能的 Smart TV應用程式

當暫停遊戲時,將 Odyssey OLED G8 變成電視。你無需下載或注冊,便可透過 Samsung TV 觀看必看的串流節目和免費直播內容。由 NQ8 AI 第三代處理器提供的近 4K 高解像度,使桌面電腦成為最完整的娛樂站。

* 應用程式的可用性可能因國家/地區而異,並且可能需要單獨訂閱。 * 需要網路連接,不含電視調諧器。 * Samsung TV Plus 和通用指南在某些地區可能無法使用。 * 某些串流媒體平台,例如 Apple TV+ 和 BBC,可能不支援 21:9 寬高比。 *Samsung TV Plus 是一項免費且受廣告支援的串流服務 * 遙控器規格可能因國家/地區而異。 * AI 放大在多視圖模式下不可用。 *Samsung TV Plus 目前不適用於香港地區。
A gamer leans back in their chair in front of the monitor, reviewing Smart Hub home display with video app options such as Netflix and Amazon Prime.

AI 增強功能,

AI 動態增強 Pro

NQ8 AI 第三代處理器利用 AI 使物體和文字的移動更加清晰和順暢。從此,你可更流暢地觀看串流節目中的快速移動內容,輕鬆緊貼每場賽事的最新戰況。

*AI 動態增強 Pro 僅適用於內置智能電視應用程式。 * 觀看體驗可能因內容類型和格式而異。
Two nearly identical scenes of a goalkeeper diving for a soccer ball are shown side-by-side. The scene on the left is labeled "Conventional" and shows the soccer ball blurred. The scene on the right is labeled "AI Motion Enhancer Pro". The soccer ball is more clear, and small highlighted circles point out areas of improved quality around the ball and on-screen text.

AI 提升音效,

主動式抗噪聲效 Pro

內置揚聲器,無需額外的電線或額外裝置,使遊戲體驗更上一層樓。主動式抗噪聲效 Pro 使用 AI 去分析背景噪音,並透過先進的音頻處理增強語音。從此,你可更輕鬆地聽到你愛看的節目內容對話,如電影和賽事直播。

* 主動式抗噪聲效 Pro僅適用於內置智能電視應用程式。
A monitor is shown with a scene from Black Desert, showing a warrior fighitng a dragon. Sounds waves are seen coming out of the bottom corners of the monitor.


The Odyssey OLED G8 is shown from several different angles: from the side, from the top, and from behind. A circle of multicolored lights is seen from every angle.



新升級的時尚設計,將任何空間秒變成與眾不同的電競空間。CoreLighting+ 配有光效自動調整設計,可隨你心情而自動變化光效。加上具備簡易安裝底座,無需任何工具或螺絲即可安裝顯示器,讓你身處的環境氛圍一轉 。